Official Site of the Edison High School Band Parent Organization
Official Site of the Edison High School Band Parent Organization

Edison High School Bands In The News!

Animesh Chakraverty and Jessica Rowe attend a Master Class led by
Ben Folds and Chuck Lopez, Band Director at Lincoln and Ben Franklin Elementary School at the Mayo Performing Arts Center in Morristown.

Mr. Lopez, invited by the Grammy Foundation as a 2015 Music Educator Grammy Nominees, was given tickets to bring two "Star Students". The students pictured are Senior Jessica Rowe (Lincoln Band Alumni) and Junior Animesh Chakraverty (Ben Franklin Band Alumni)

​Congratulations Mr. Lopez and Thank You for your dedication and support of Music Education.

Link to Websites 

MR. LOPEZ Website


More To Come...

If you have a newspaper clipping or media link, please send it in to us to share with everyone!

Edison High School BPO

Edison High School

Band Parent Organization

P.O.BOX 238

50 Boulevard of Eagles
Edison, NJ 08817

Get Connected!

If you use facebook and are a Parent or Guardian of a band student currently enrolled in Edison High School, you can request to join our facebook group.

     Executive Board

  • Band Director: 
    Marc DeNicuolo
  • Asst. Band Director:    
    Derek Dillman
  • President: 
    Roxana Dayma
  • Vice President: 
    Arul Chakrapani
  • Treasurer:
    Helen Battagliotti
  • Recording Secretary:       
    Melissa Kersting
  • Corresponding Secretary:           Helen Garces

    Committee Chairs

  • Fundraising: William Fallon
  • Press Secretary: Open
  • Social Media: Open
  • Festival Of Marching:  
    Melissa Kersting
  • Photographer: Open
  • Videographer:  MIke DiMare
  • Winter Guard: Open
  • Indoor Percussion: Open
  • Spirit Wear: Helen Garces & Arul Chakrapani
  • Equipment Transit & Props:  Arul Chakrapani
  • Web Master:  MIke DiMare


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All images, text, video and other content copyright © 2013-2024 The Edison High School Band Parent Organization, Inc. (EHSBPO), Edison, NJ. Show music used under license of and is copyright of the respective owner(s). News media "clippings", videos, photos, etc. are copyright of the respective owners and are used under the fair use act. Site created & designed by Anna DiMare. Website maintained by the EHSBPO.
